Wednesday, October 21, 2009

National Mole Day is Friday, Oct 23 from 6:02 am to 6:02 pm in honor of the quantity so commonly used in chemistry, the mole. Can you think of some fun ways to celebrate?

Here were some ideas I found online:
  • write a song in honor of the mole and sing it for the class
  • drink 18 g (1 mole) of water
  • play a game, "pin the tail on the mole"
  • have a mole piƱata


  1. Mole day could be so much fun, and educational. I was thinking of having students determine how high a mole of marbles would stack up to as a review of dimensional analysis. The other option would be to weigh out a mole of sugar and determine how many calories were in it.

  2. Your ideas for mole day sound exciting, I would definately participate in having a mole pinata, filled with NaCl chocolate :)

  3. AWESOME!!! A mole pinata would be so cool. What will it be filled with? broken test tubes??
